A requirement contracted to Shape Services Ltd by a global principal contractor to supply, deliver and build two, 30 metre communications towers with supporting infrastructure in a high-risk location in the Middle East as part of a larger construction project.
Our logistics, engineering and project teams came together with a plan of execution. We provided all logistics, engineering design & responsibility and build for this project, which included not only the tower and its loading capacities, but also the concrete base design, cable management, earthing and power.
Once procured, our logistics team worked with the rest of the project staff arranging all tooling, lifting and rigging equipment, also the fall arrests as well as the tower and materials, this was then packed, routed, shipped and delivered to its final destination, a destination not only high risk but lacking in infrastructural support.
Our home project team in liaison with our onsite project manager sourced all concrete, steel, plant and cranage equipment required prior to our field teams being deployed.
Once on site, our field teams managed local civils subcontractors and built the towers, for a successful delivery to the customers satisfaction.
Due to our teams both home and overseas and the experience we have in hostile, challenging and austere environments we were able to deliver where others cannot or will not. Our planning and execution meant that we delivered this project successfully and to the customers satisfaction, on time, within budget and safely.